Plenary Meeting Materials

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PUBLIC OUTREACH | Meeting Calendar | Plenary Meetings | Technical Working Groups | Formal Scoping Meetings | Communication and Participation | Stakeholder Correspondence | Stakeholder Interest Statements

PCWA organized a Plenary group to help facilitate communication and decision-making during the relicensing process. The Plenary has been meeting on a regular basis since May of 2006 and is open to all interested stakeholders. Meetings are scheduled to occur during the first Monday or Tuesday of each month and will continue through about February of 2011, when PCWA submits their Application for New License.

Major activities completed in the Plenary meetings conducted to date include: presentations on existing MFP facilities, operations, and proposed Project betterments; sharing of stakeholder interest statements; development and approval of Communication and Participation Protocols; and formation of Technical Working Groups (TWGs). A major accomplishment of the Plenary and TWGs was the collaborative development and approval of 28 individual Technical Study Plans. The Technical Study Plans were included in the PCWA’s Pre-Application Document (PAD), which was distributed in December 2007.

Plenary Meeting Materials

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PUBLIC OUTREACH | Meeting Calendar | Plenary Meetings | Technical Working Groups | Formal Scoping Meetings | Communication and Participation | Stakeholder Correspondence | Stakeholder Interest Statements